Coupon codes can be applied from your shopping cart, or during the final steps at checkout.
If you forgot to apply a coupon code, please contact us. We are happy to help!
Please note only one discount (coupon, reward, sale, promotion, or offer) can be applied per order.
Gift certificates will not be accepted in the coupon code box. Please see How-to-Use-Your-Gift-Certificate for help with entering Gift Certificates as a payment method.
Adding a Coupon Code from your Cart
Access your cart by clicking the cart button at the top of the page.
On a mobile device you may need to click and then you will see the cart icon.
On the right side of the cart page, you can enter and apply your coupon code here:
Adding a Coupon Code from Checkout
Similarly on right of the checkout page under Order Summary, you will see the Coupon Code Box. You can enter and apply your coupon code here:
Removing a Code
To remove, select X Remove Coupon located right under the currently applied discount.
If you have more questions or trouble with a code, contacting Customer Service is easy! Click here to contact us.