
Received Extra or Wrong Books

We would greatly appreciate it if you would submit a request with the following details: 

  • Your Order Number, reference, or tracking number from the package if available 
  • Book titles not ordered and received 
  • SKUs of the incorrect item(s) received (SKU stickers should be located on or near the spine of the book and have a code (ex. A1-BCD-234)

Special Note for Large Orders: If you've received a large shipment full of items not ordered, please submit the details required above for a minimum of 3 of the items received. 

For Edition and Format Issues: If you've received the correct book title but the wrong format or edition? 

Please include the ISBN of the book received, for ISBN help, please see -ISBNs


This information will allow us to identify the order received and resolve this issue. 

We appreciate your time and help with this!

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    This is my no. you sent me. 1115031............I have 2 wrong books. I need Stirs up Trouble and To the Rescue by ANN B ROSS.. where do I send my books>>>>>>>>>>>> they are Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind . 2 of them